(From right) Carol CHAN, a final year HKUST student studying International Research Enrichment (Physics), Prof. Emily NASON, Director of Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions at HKUST, and Ben CHAK, a year 2 HKUST computer science and engineering student
(From left) Carol CHAN, a final year HKUST student studying International Research Enrichment (Physics), Prof. Emily NASON, Director of Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions at HKUST, and Ben CHAK, a year 2 HKUST computer science and engineering student
HKUST engineering students Law Cheuk-Him (fourth right), Liu Chi-Hin (fifth right), and Cindy Aiko Filbert Tanaka (fifth left) received a HKIE Scholarship at the HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members’ Reception.
(From left) Prof. Terence Wong, Prof. Rhea Liem, Prof. Ross Murch, and Prof. Andrew Horner received the SENG Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award 2020-21 from Prof. Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering.
(From left) Prof. Kar Yan TAM, Dean of HKUST Business School, SGFN Program Co-Directors Prof. Veronique J A LAFON-VINAIS and Prof. Jimmy Chi Hung FUNG, and Prof. Alexis Kai Hon LAU, Head of the Division of Environment and Sustainability.
(From left) Prof. Kar Yan TAM, Dean of HKUST Business School, SGFN Program Co-Directors Prof. Veronique J A LAFON-VINAIS and Prof. Jimmy Chi Hung FUNG, and Prof. Alexis Kai Hon LAU, Head of the Division of Environment and Sustainability.