
Dr Tieniu Tan, Vice Minister of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR (7th from right), HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan (6th from right), Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies Prof Nancy Ip (7th from left), Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng (5th from right), Prof Qiang Yang, Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Director of the Big Data Institute (4th from right), with world-class academic and industry leaders in Big Data and AI fields, and HKUST
Dr Tieniu Tan, Vice Minister of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR (7th from right), HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan (6th from right), Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies Prof Nancy Ip (7th from left), Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng (5th from right), Prof Qiang Yang, Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Director of the Big Data Institute (4th from right), with world-class academic and industry leaders in Big Data and AI fields, and HKUST faculty
馮雁教授(第三排右一)代表科大出席Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society於10月23日及24日在柏林所舉辦、為期兩天的論壇,與全球專家就人工智能對安全及保安、勞工,以及有關科技對社會的影響等問題進行交流。(相片來源:Yann LeCun and Eric Horvitz)
馮雁教授(第三排右一)代表科大出席Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society於10月23日及24日在柏林所舉辦、為期兩天的論壇,與全球專家就人工智能對安全及保安、勞工,以及有關科技對社會的影響等問題進行交流。(相片來源:Yann LeCun and Eric Horvitz)
The organizers and speakers (from left) – (4th) Prof Michael Wang, Director of the HKUST Robotics Institute; (5th) Dr David Chung Wai-keung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government; (6th) Prof Wei Shyy, Executive Vice-President & Provost, HKUST; (8th) Prof Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST; and (9th) Prof Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, HKUST.
The organizers and speakers (from left) – (4th) Prof Michael Wang, Director of the HKUST Robotics Institute; (5th) Dr David Chung Wai-keung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government; (6th) Prof Wei Shyy, Executive Vice-President & Provost, HKUST; (8th) Prof Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST; and (9th) Prof Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, HKUST.