李德富教授榮獲「IEEE James Evans Avant Garde獎」
電子及計算機工程學系講座教授、新明工程學教授李德富教授獲電機電子工程師學會(IEEE)頒發「2024年IEEE James Evans Avant Garde獎」,以表揚他在無線通訊領域的傑出領導和貢獻。
李德富教授是國際稱譽的無線通訊和網絡領域學術翹楚,在其傑出的學術生涯中屢獲殊榮,包括美國國家工程院院士榮銜、美國普渡大學傑出工程校友獎、南非約翰內斯堡大學榮譽工程學博士學位、IEEE通訊學會Edwin Howard Armstrong成就獎,以及突尼西亞國家級榮譽「最佳突尼西亞海外研究員或發明家」。他也是IEEE、香港工程師學會及香港工程科學院的院士。
About The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) (https://hkust.edu.hk/) is a world-class research intensive university that focuses on science, technology and business as well as humanities and social science. HKUST offers an international campus, and a holistic and interdisciplinary pedagogy to nurture well-rounded graduates with global vision, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking. Over 80% of our research work were rated “Internationally excellent” or “world leading” in the Research Assessment Exercise 2020 of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee. We were ranked 3rd in Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings 2022, and our graduates were ranked 23rd worldwide and among the best from universities from Asia in Global Employability University Ranking and Survey 2021.