
主禮嘉賓, 其他嘉賓
行政長官林鄭月娥女士為凱洛格-科大EMBA課程二十周年論壇主禮嘉賓。其他嘉賓(左起)包括凱洛格-科大行政人員工商管理碩士課程主任區敏儀女士、科大商學院院長譚嘉因教授、科大校董會主席廖長城先生、科大署任校長史維教授、西北大學凱洛格管理學院院長Sally Blount教授、科大商學院副院長戴啟思教授。
Dr Tieniu Tan, Vice Minister of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR (7th from right), HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan (6th from right), Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies Prof Nancy Ip (7th from left), Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng (5th from right), Prof Qiang Yang, Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Director of the Big Data Institute (4th from right), with world-class academic and industry leaders in Big Data and AI fields, and HKUST
Dr Tieniu Tan, Vice Minister of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR (7th from right), HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan (6th from right), Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies Prof Nancy Ip (7th from left), Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng (5th from right), Prof Qiang Yang, Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Director of the Big Data Institute (4th from right), with world-class academic and industry leaders in Big Data and AI fields, and HKUST faculty