
校長葉玉如教授(左四)、首席副校長郭毅可教授(右四)、工學院院長羅康錦教授(右二)、計算機科學及工程學系系主任周曉方教授(右一)、本科生核心教育課程委員會主席陳斯教授(右三)、本科生核心教育課程主任藍世樂教授(左一)、梁煒霆教授(中)、陳銳斌教授(左三)及Paul Lavigne先生(左二)
校長葉玉如教授(左四)、首席副校長郭毅可教授(右四)、工學院院長羅康錦教授(右二)、計算機科學及工程學系系主任周曉方教授(右一)、本科生核心教育課程委員會主席陳斯教授(右三)、本科生核心教育課程主任藍世樂教授(左一)、梁煒霆教授(中)、陳銳斌教授(左三)及Paul Lavigne先生(左二)
Prof Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST (2nd from the left), and Mr Herbert Cheng Jr., Chief Executive Officer of Chiaphua Industries Ltd (2nd from the right), signed the contract for HKUST-CIL Joint Laboratory of Innovative Environmental Health Technologies, with Prof Wei Shyy, Acting President, HKUST (1st from the left), and Mrs Sheilah Chatjaval, General Counsel of Chiaphua Industries Ltd (1st from the right), being the witnesses.
Prof Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST (2nd from the left), and Mr Herbert Cheng Jr., Chief Executive Officer of Chiaphua Industries Ltd (2nd from the right), signed the contract for HKUST-CIL Joint Laboratory of Innovative Environmental Health Technologies, with Prof Wei Shyy, Acting President, HKUST (1st from the left), and Mrs Sheilah Chatjaval, General Counsel of Chiaphua Industries Ltd (1st from the right), being the witnesses.
Prof. Nancy IP (front left), HKUST Vice-President for Research and Development, and Mr. Henry MA (front right), Executive Vice-President and Chief Information Officer of WeBank sign the agreement.
Prof. Nancy IP (front left), HKUST Vice-President for Research and Development, and Mr. Henry MA (front right), Executive Vice-President and Chief Information Officer of WeBank sign the agreement.