
冯雁教授(第三排右一)代表科大出席Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society於10月23日及24日在柏林所举办、为期两天的论坛,与全球专家就人工智能对安全及保安、劳工,以及有关科技对社会的影响等问题进行交流。(相片来源∶Yann LeCun and Eric Horvitz)
冯雁教授(第三排右一)代表科大出席Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society於10月23日及24日在柏林所举办、为期两天的论坛,与全球专家就人工智能对安全及保安、劳工,以及有关科技对社会的影响等问题进行交流。(相片来源∶Yann LeCun and Eric Horvitz)
The organizers and speakers (from left) – (4th) Prof Michael Wang, Director of the HKUST Robotics Institute; (5th) Dr David Chung Wai-keung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government; (6th) Prof Wei Shyy, Executive Vice-President & Provost, HKUST; (8th) Prof Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST; and (9th) Prof Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, HKUST.
The organizers and speakers (from left) – (4th) Prof Michael Wang, Director of the HKUST Robotics Institute; (5th) Dr David Chung Wai-keung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government; (6th) Prof Wei Shyy, Executive Vice-President & Provost, HKUST; (8th) Prof Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST; and (9th) Prof Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, HKUST.
Mrs Carrie Lam (fifth left), The Chief Executive of HKSAR, officiates at the closing ceremony of Xiangshan Science Conference and the launching ceremony of HKSAIR. Other officiating guests are (from left): Mr Chen Lin, Director General of Youth Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Dr Sunny Chai, Chairman of HKSTP; Mr Nicholas Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology of HKSAR; Mr Chen Dong, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Gov
Mrs Carrie Lam (fifth left), The Chief Executive of HKSAR, officiates at the closing ceremony of Xiangshan Science Conference and the launching ceremony of HKSAIR. Other officiating guests are (from left): Mr Chen Lin, Director General of Youth Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Dr Sunny Chai, Chairman of HKSTP; Mr Nicholas Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology of HKSAR; Mr Chen Dong, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Prof Yang Qiang, Founding President of HKSAIR; Prof Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST; Dr Tan Tieniu, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Prof Li Deyi, President of the China Association for Artificial Intelligence; and Prof Gao Wen, Peking University.
Prof Wei Shyy, President of HKUST (left), and Prof Pascale Fung, Founding Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research, unveil the plaque for CAiRE.
Prof Wei Shyy, President of HKUST (left), and Prof Pascale Fung, Founding Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research, unveil the plaque for CAiRE.
Prof. Chen is named one of the "visionaries" for his breakthroughs in the realm of computer vision.
Prof. Chen is named one of the "visionaries" for his breakthroughs in the realm of computer vision.
Prof. Charles W. W. Ng
Prof. Charles W. W. Ng
Prof. Tim Cheng Kwang-Ting (front left), HKUST Dean of Engineering, and Mr. Arlene Chen (front right), Xiao-i's VP and Head of Research Institute sign the agreement under the witness of Prof. Nancy Ip Yuk-Yu (back left), Vice-President for Research and Development of HKUST and Dr. Zhu Pinpin (back right), Xiao-i’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer.
Prof. Tim Cheng Kwang-Ting (front left), HKUST Dean of Engineering, and Mr. Arlene Chen (front right), Xiao-i's VP and Head of Research Institute sign the agreement under the witness of Prof. Nancy Ip Yuk-Yu (back left), Vice-President for Research and Development of HKUST and Dr. Zhu Pinpin (back right), Xiao-i’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer.
Fong Ho-Ming, Year 3 student in Mechanical Engineering and General Business Management at HKUST.
Fong Ho-Ming, Year 3 student in Mechanical Engineering and General Business Management at HKUST.
Prof. Nancy IP (front left), HKUST Vice-President for Research and Development, and Mr. Henry MA (front right), Executive Vice-President and Chief Information Officer of WeBank sign the agreement.
Prof. Nancy IP (front left), HKUST Vice-President for Research and Development, and Mr. Henry MA (front right), Executive Vice-President and Chief Information Officer of WeBank sign the agreement.