
The MSc Fintech program launch ceremony
The MSc Fintech program launch ceremony is officiated by Prof Lionel NI, Provost of HKUST (fifth right), Prof TAM Kar-Yan, Dean of School of Business and Management (fourth right), Prof Richard SO, Associate Dean of School of Engineering (Research and Graduate Studies) (second left) and Prof Tim LEUNG, Associate Dean (Recruitment) of School of Science (first left) . Guests including Prof Ning CAI, Program Director of the MSc Fintech Program (first right), Prof. HUI Kai-Lung, HKUST School of Business and Management Associate Dean (Research) and Co-Director of the MSc Fintech Program (second right).
Ribbon cutting by the officiating party. (From left) Dr Cheung Nim-kwan, General Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee; Prof. Roberto de Marca, Executive Chairman of the Organizing Committee; Mr John Tsang, Financial Secretary, Hong Kong SAR Government; Dr Gordon Day, President-Elect, IEEE; Prof. K. B. Letaief, General Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee and HKUST Dean of Engineering; and Prof. Yrjö Neuvo, Program Committee Chair.
Ribbon cutting by the officiating party. (From left) Dr Cheung Nim-kwan, General Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee; Prof. Roberto de Marca, Executive Chairman of the Organizing Committee; Mr John Tsang, Financial Secretary, Hong Kong SAR Government; Dr Gordon Day, President-Elect, IEEE; Prof. K. B. Letaief, General Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee and HKUST Dean of Engineering; and Prof. Yrjö Neuvo, Program Committee Chair.