
Prof Chan’s technology can create synergy with the government’s smart lamp posts pilot scheme announced earlier as an initiative of the Smart City Blueprint
Prof Chan’s technology can create synergy with the government’s smart lamp posts pilot scheme announced earlier as an initiative of the Smart City Blueprint
(From left) Prof. Chen Qifeng, Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, and Prof. Yeung Sai-Kit, Associate Professor of the Division of Integrative Systems and Design and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Both are also affiliated with the HKUST Robotics Institute.
(From left) Prof. Chen Qifeng, Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, and Prof. Yeung Sai-Kit, Associate Professor of the Division of Integrative Systems and Design and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Both are also affiliated with the HKUST Robotics Institute.
Dr. Ervin Shu created a medical device, CryoChip, to help couples struggling with infertility by automating and standardizing the process of embryo vitrification.
Dr. Ervin Shu created a medical device, CryoChip, to help couples struggling with infertility by automating and standardizing the process of embryo vitrification.