Dean of Engineering Prof. Hong K. Lo (front row, fourth left) and Director of Center for Global & Community Engagement Prof. Tim Woo (front row, third left) led the way with an engaging introduction, extending a warm welcome to all participants on STEAM Day.
The “HKUST-ExxonMobil iSTEAM Program 2024 – Smartbot Sports Day” drew around 150 students and teachers from 15 primary and secondary schools to experience and learn about STEAM, collaboration and leadership.
Lai Chun-Hin (center), Prof. Robin Ma (left) and former Department Head Prof. Matthew Yuan (right) at the IMechE Hong Kong annual dinner on May 9, 2024
A group of 15 students from the HKUST Robotics Team and the HKUST STEAM Tutor Team won 15 medals in RoboGames 2024, nearly doubling their medal count of eight medals last year.