NUS Claimed Top Honor in the 4th Global MBA Challenge
NUS Claimed Top Honor in the 4th Global MBA Challenge
Professor Caroline WANG, Adjunct Professor of Business Practice and Management
"Take ownership to act, to close that gap between our current skill sets and future opportunities so that we can be the one who seize the new opportunities when they arise." Professor Caroline WANG, Adjunct Professor of Business Practice and Management
The new intake of 2017 full-time MBA
The new intake of 2017 full-time MBA represents a highly international mix of students.
The signing ceremony
The signing ceremony is witnessed by Dr. David CHUNG Wai-Keung (first from left), Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government; Mr. Alain CROZIER (second from left), Corporate Vice President, Chairman and CEO of Microsoft Greater China Region; and Prof. Lionel NI (fourth from right), Provost of HKUST.