
PanopticAI’s co-founders Dr. Kyle Wong (second right), Dr. Nick Chin (second left) and Mr. Teric Chan (first right), and their advisor Prof. Richard So (first left), Associate Dean of Engineering (Research and Graduate Studies).
PanopticAI’s co-founders Dr. Kyle Wong (second right), Dr. Nick Chin (second left) and Mr. Teric Chan (first right), and their advisor Prof. Richard So (first left), Associate Dean of Engineering (Research and Graduate Studies).
The first “Industry Connects University” biannual forum on digital transformation cum CSE Get-together on October 25 drew 140 industry partners, faculty members, alumni and students. The occasion marked the first event that took place at the newly renovated Engineering Commons after its official opening on October 17.
The first “Industry Connects University” biannual forum on digital transformation cum CSE Get-together on October 25 drew 140 industry partners, faculty members, alumni and students. The occasion marked the first event that took place at the newly renovated Engineering Commons after its official opening on October 17.
The HKUST Engineering Alumni Summer Mixer 2024 was attended by around 200 alumni, faculty members and students.
The HKUST Engineering Alumni Summer Mixer 2024 was attended by around 200 alumni, faculty members and students.
Over 200 HKUST alumni, including more than 60 from the School of Engineering, joined the HKUST Alumni Reception in Beijing on March 3, 2024.
Over 200 HKUST alumni, including more than 60 from the School of Engineering, joined the HKUST Alumni Reception in Beijing on March 3, 2024.
Over the past two decades, Dr. Louis Lam is glad to see public perception about the relationship between “sustainability” and “development” changing from conflicting to complementary along with a global trend of green business. It is indeed possible to maintain a high quality of life with minimal environmental impact, he said.
Over the past two decades, Dr. Louis Lam is glad to see public perception about the relationship between “sustainability” and “development” changing from conflicting to complementary along with a global trend of green business. It is indeed possible to maintain a high quality of life with minimal environmental impact, he said.
Prof. Tim Woo, Director of Center for Global & Community Engagement, fosters service learning, inclusion and STEAM education via robot competitions.
Prof. Tim Woo, Director of Center for Global & Community Engagement, fosters service learning, inclusion and STEAM education via robot competitions.
STEM Day DIY Corner
At the HKUST STEM Day, alumni and their children worked together to assemble graffiti robots at the DIY Corner.
Over 160 engineering alumni, faculty, and staff came together for the SENG alumni event on August 11, 2023.
Over 160 engineering faculty, alumni, and staff came together for the SENG alumni event on August 11, 2023.