Secretary for the Environment Mr. WONG Kam-Sing (Sixth Right), HKUST President Prof. Wei SHYY (Fifth Right), Associate Professor of Environment and Sustainability at HKUST Prof. NING Zhi (Fourth Right), and other team members from the EPD and GFS.
Secretary for the Environment Mr. WONG Kam-Sing (Sixth Right), HKUST President Prof. Wei SHYY (Fifth Right), Associate Professor of Environment and Sustainability at HKUST Prof. NING Zhi (Fourth Right), and other team members from the EPD and GFS.
Secretary for the Environment Mr. WONG Kam-Sing (Sixth Right), HKUST President Prof. Wei SHYY (Fifth Right), Associate Professor of Environment and Sustainability at HKUST Prof. NING Zhi (Fourth Right), and other team members from the EPD and GFS.
Prof. Tsui Chi-Ying, Head of HKUST Division of Integrative Systems and Design (third right), Dr. Luisa Mok Sze-Man, Lecturer of HKUST Division of Integrative Systems and Design (second left), Mr. Cyril Aubin, Managing Director of Hong Kong Tramways (third left), Mr. Nixon Cheung, Head of Commercial and Brand of Hong Kong Tramways (first left), and Year 2 students of Integrative Systems and Design Katie Chong (second right) and Jasmine Li (first right)