
HKUST Joins Hands with APRU
(From left) Dr. Christopher TREMEWAN, Secretary General of APRU; Prof. TAM Kar-Yan, Project Lead and Dean of HKUST Business School; and Ms. Christina SCHÖNLEBER, Director (Policy and Programs) of APRU
Tat Lee Profile Pic
Tat Lee - Alternate Chief Executive & Board Member, WeLab Bank
Prof. Tim CHENG (top left), Dean of Engineering, introducing Mr. Alfred CHUANG (bottom) as the guest speaker and Prof. Jack LAU (top right) as the moderator in the first edition of the HKUST Entrepreneurship Fireside Chat Series.
Prof. Tim CHENG (top left), Dean of Engineering, introducing Mr. Alfred CHUANG (bottom) as the guest speaker and Prof. Jack LAU (top right) as the moderator in the first edition of the HKUST Entrepreneurship Fireside Chat Series.
Roy Law Profile Pic
Roy Law - Co-Founder & CEO, TeamNote; Founder & President, AppTask; Founder, ZeroZone; Managing Partner, AT Group Ventures; Chairman, WTIA (wtiahk.org), 2018-2020
Eric Yung Profile Pic
Eric Yung - Founder and CEO, Playnote Limited
Yunfei Zhang Profile Pic
Yunfei Zhang - Founder and President, Oceanalpha Co., Ltd.