Researchers from the School of Engineering of HKUST develop the world’s smallest multifunctional biomedical robot which has a slim profile of just 0.95 mm.
Corresponding authors: Prof. Qu Jianan (first right) from the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), and Prof. Liu Kai (second left) from the Division of Life Science (LIFS); co-first authors: ECE PhD graduate Dr. Wu Wanjie (second right), ECE PhD student He Yingzhu (center), and LIFS PhD student Chen Yujun (first left)
Prof. Wang Yiwen was invited to be a keynote speaker at the 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, which took place in Florida, US on July 15-19, 2024.
Led by Prof. David Lam and supervised by Dr. Stanley Leung (center), an engineering research team comprising Yuen-Yin Leung (first left), Kin-Nam Kwok (second left), Kwun-Chung Chan (second right), and Minji Seo (first right) invented the glaucoma preventive device O_Oley.
Prof. Ying Chau enjoys sharing her experience with new generations of engineers, and witnessing how her work helps them make a greater impact on society.