
Prof. Sun Qingping (second right) and Prof. Yao Shuhuai (second left), both Professors of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), MAE Postdoctoral Research Associate Dr. Zhou Guoan (first left), and MAE PhD student Li Zexi (first right) with the world’s first kilowatt-scale elastocaloric green cooling device they develop.
Prof. Sun Qingping (second right) and Prof. Yao Shuhuai (second left), both Professors of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), MAE Postdoctoral Research Associate Dr. Zhou Guoan (first left), and MAE PhD student Li Zexi (first right) with the world’s first kilowatt-scale elastocaloric green cooling device they develop.
The research team comprised Prof. YU Jianzhen, Chair Professor of the Department of Chemistry and the Division of Environment and Sustainability at HKUST(left) and Prof. FU Tzung-May, Professor of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at SUSTech and NCAMS (right), both corresponding authors, and Dr. Li Yumin, the first author of the study and a PhD graduate in Environmental Science, Policy and Management from the HKUST-SUSTech joint PhD program (center).
The research team comprised Prof. YU Jianzhen, Chair Professor of the Department of Chemistry and the Division of Environment and Sustainability at HKUST(left) and Prof. FU Tzung-May, Professor of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at SUSTech and NCAMS (right), both corresponding authors, and Dr. Li Yumin, the first author of the study and a PhD graduate in Environmental Science, Policy and Management from the HKUST-SUSTech joint PhD program (center).
Prof. Zhou Yuanyuan (left) and Dr. Hao Mingwei (right) demonstrate a stability test of their newly developed cation-homogenized perovskite solar cells.
Prof. Zhou Yuanyuan (left) and Dr. Hao Mingwei (right) demonstrate a stability test of their newly developed cation-homogenized perovskite solar cells.
The Civil and Environmental Engineering research team comprised Chair Professor Chen Guanghao (center) and postdoctoral researcher Dr. Zhang Zi (left), both corresponding authors, and PhD student Xiao Chengyu (right), the first author.
The Civil and Environmental Engineering research team comprised Chair Professor Chen Guanghao (center) and postdoctoral researcher Dr. Zhang Zi (left), both corresponding authors, and PhD student Xiao Chengyu (right), the first author.
Prof. Yang Zhengbao (second left), Associate Professor at HKUST’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, with the three co-first authors of the study: HKUST postdoctoral fellow Dr. Li Xuemu (second right, holding a roll of printed glycine films), CityU PhD graduate Dr. Zhang Zhuomin (first right), and CityU PhD Student Zheng Yi (first left, with a glycine patch in his hands).
Prof. Yang Zhengbao (second left), Associate Professor at HKUST’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, with the three co-first authors of the study: HKUST postdoctoral fellow Dr. Li Xuemu (second right, holding a roll of printed glycine films), CityU PhD graduate Dr. Zhang Zhuomin (first right), and CityU PhD Student Zheng Yi (first left, with a glycine patch in his hands).
Assistant Professor Chen Hao (center) and PhD student Qiu Zelin (second right) from the School of Engineering, HKUST; Prof. Zhao Yinghua (third left), Dr. Xie Zhuoyao (first right) and other members of the research team from the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University.
Assistant Professor Chen Hao (center) and PhD student Qiu Zelin (second right) from the School of Engineering, HKUST; Prof. Zhao Yinghua (third left), Dr. Xie Zhuoyao (first right) and other members of the research team from the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University.
(From left) Prof. Yang Zhengbao, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at HKUST, with his research team members Dr. Hong Ying, Dr. Liu Shiyuan, and Yang Xiaodan
(From left) Prof. Yang Zhengbao, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at HKUST, with his research team members Dr. Hong Ying, Dr. Liu Shiyuan, and Yang Xiaodan
Prof. Zhang Xiangru discovers an effective and rapidly degradable disinfectant. Using the instrument known as “ultra-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC/ESI-tqMS)”, he successfully detects the degradation products of 2,6-DCQ and determines the degradation pathway of 2,6-DCQ in seawater.
Prof. Zhang Xiangru discovers an effective and rapidly degradable disinfectant. Using the instrument known as “ultra-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC/ESI-tqMS)”, he successfully detects the degradation products of 2,6-DCQ and determines the degradation pathway of 2,6-DCQ in seawater.
Prof. Sun Qingping (front row, fourth left), Prof. Yao Shuhuai (front row, third left), both Professors of Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), MAE Postdoctoral Research Associate Dr. Zhou Guoan (front row, second left), MAE PhD student Li Zexi (front row, first left), and other members of the research team with their elastocaloric air conditioner.
Prof. Sun Qingping (front row, fourth left), Prof. Yao Shuhuai (front row, third left), both Professors of Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), MAE Postdoctoral Research Associate Dr. Zhou Guoan (front row, second left), MAE PhD student Li Zexi (front row, first left), and other members of the research team with their elastocaloric air conditioner.