Webinar Session on PG Studies in the School of Science on May 24, 2020 (conducted in Mandarin)
Webinar Session on PG Studies in the School of Science on May 24, 2020 (conducted in Mandarin)
Global Webinar Series – HKUST x KAIST Joint Webinar “Research Efforts in Contributing to a Sustainable World”
Global Webinar Series – HKUST x KAIST Joint Webinar “Research Efforts in Contributing to a Sustainable World”
Why choose Biotechnology and Business (BIBU) Program at HKUST?
Why choose Biotechnology and Business (BIBU) Program at HKUST?
Why choose Mathematics and Economics (MAEC) Program at HKUST?
Why choose Mathematics and Economics (MAEC) Program at HKUST?
The Science behind COVID-19 Testing
The Science behind COVID-19 Testing
HKUST Virtual Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions
HKUST Virtual Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions
Prof. Tim Leung, Associate Dean of Science
Prof. Tim Leung, Associate Dean of Science
Prof. Chen Qing will conduct research on percolation dissolution and nanoporous metals for electrochemical energy storage with the award funding.
Prof. Chen Qing will conduct research on percolation dissolution and nanoporous metals for electrochemical energy storage with the award funding.
Prof. Chen Qing will conduct research on percolation dissolution and nanoporous metals for electrochemical energy storage with the award funding.
Prof. Chen Qing will conduct research on percolation dissolution and nanoporous metals for electrochemical energy storage with the award funding.