Deputy Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Ir. Eric Pang (second row, left) and HKUST’s Dean of Engineering Prof. Tim Cheng (second row, right) join a group photo with CLP Power Academy Vice Chancellor Mr. Paul Poon (first row, middle), HKUST’s Vice-President for Research and Development Prof. Nancy Ip (first row, right), and Head of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde Prof. Campbell Booth (first row, left).
Deputy Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Ir. Eric Pang (second row, left) and HKUST’s Dean of Engineering Prof. Tim Cheng (second row, right) join a group photo with CLP Power Academy Vice Chancellor Mr. Paul Poon (first row, middle), HKUST’s Vice-President for Research and Development Prof. Nancy Ip (first row, right), and Head of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde Prof. Campbell Booth (first row, left).
Prof Mansun Chan, a dedicated educator
Prof Mansun Chan, a dedicated educator
Prof Tony F Chan (right), President of HKUST, and Prof Meric Gertler, President of U of T, signed a memorandum of agreement for an international doctoral cluster in engineering on November 28, 2017.
Prof Tony F Chan (right), President of HKUST, and Prof Meric Gertler, President of U of T, signed a memorandum of agreement for an international doctoral cluster in engineering on November 28, 2017.
Prof Chan’s technology can create synergy with the government’s smart lamp posts pilot scheme announced earlier as an initiative of the Smart City Blueprint
Prof Chan’s technology can create synergy with the government’s smart lamp posts pilot scheme announced earlier as an initiative of the Smart City Blueprint
At the opening ceremony for the HKUST-NAVER/LINE AI Laboratory are representatives from HKUST and NAVER/LINE. They include (4th from left) Prof Sunghun Kim, Director of HKUST-NAVER/LINE AI Lab; (5th from left) HKUST Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng; (6th from left) HKUST Acting President Prof Wei Shyy; (6th from right) NAVER Corporation Chief Executive Officer Ms Seong-sook Han; (5th from right) NAVER Corporation Vice President Ms Seon-ju Chae; and (4th from right) NAVER Corporation Talent Relations Team
At the opening ceremony for the HKUST-NAVER/LINE AI Laboratory are representatives from HKUST and NAVER/LINE. They include (4th from left) Prof Sunghun Kim, Director of HKUST-NAVER/LINE AI Lab; (5th from left) HKUST Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng; (6th from left) HKUST Acting President Prof Wei Shyy; (6th from right) NAVER Corporation Chief Executive Officer Ms Seong-sook Han; (5th from right) NAVER Corporation Vice President Ms Seon-ju Chae; and (4th from right) NAVER Corporation Talent Relations Team Leader Ms Hanna Ryu.
(From left, front row) IEDA’s Academic Advisory Board member – Prof David Simchi-Levi of Engineering Systems at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng, IEDA Head and Crown Worldwide Professor of Engineering Prof Guillermo Gallego, K.T. Li Chair Professor of Engineering at Stanford University Prof Ye Yinyu and IELM former Head Prof Tsung Fugee celebrate at the department’s inaugural ceremony with other faculty and staff members.
(From left, front row) IEDA’s Academic Advisory Board member – Prof David Simchi-Levi of Engineering Systems at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng, IEDA Head and Crown Worldwide Professor of Engineering Prof Guillermo Gallego, K.T. Li Chair Professor of Engineering at Stanford University Prof Ye Yinyu and IELM former Head Prof Tsung Fugee celebrate at the department’s inaugural ceremony with other faculty and staff members.
Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng (7th from right) together with faculty members welcomes guest speakers and panelists.
Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng (7th from right) together with faculty members welcomes guest speakers and panelists.
(From left) Prof Bertram Shi, Head of HKUST’s Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering (ECE); Prof Matthew McKay, Hari Harilela Associate Professor in the Departments of ECE and Chemical & Biological Engineering; and Prof Raymond Louie, Research Assistant Professor in the Department of ECE and Junior Fellow of HKUST Institute for Advanced Study
(From left) Prof Bertram Shi, Head of HKUST’s Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering (ECE); Prof Matthew McKay, Hari Harilela Associate Professor in the Departments of ECE and Chemical & Biological Engineering; and Prof Raymond Louie, Research Assistant Professor in the Department of ECE and Junior Fellow of HKUST Institute for Advanced Study
(From left) HKUST Acting Head of Division of ISD Prof Jingshen Wu, ISD Lecturer Dr Winnie Leung; Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng; DJI Treasurer and Director of Corporate Strategy Ms Christina Zhang and Head of RoboMaster Mr Jianrong Gao.
(From left) HKUST Acting Head of Division of ISD Prof Jingshen Wu, ISD Lecturer Dr Winnie Leung; Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng; DJI Treasurer and Director of Corporate Strategy Ms Christina Zhang and Head of RoboMaster Mr Jianrong Gao.