Alumnus Prof. Yeung Sai-Kit is the first from HKUST to join the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Graphics, a top-ranked journal in the computer graphics field. His three-year term started in October 2021.
Alumnus Prof. Yeung Sai-Kit is the first from HKUST to join the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Graphics, a top-ranked journal in the computer graphics field. His three-year term started in October 2021.
Prof. Zhang Jun
Prof. Zhang Jun
科大逸夫演艺中心开幕 透过艺术和文化推广多元
科大逸夫演艺中心开幕 透过艺术和文化推广多元
科大逸夫演藝中心開幕 透過藝術和文化推廣多元
科大逸夫演藝中心開幕 透過藝術和文化推廣多元