Guests at the signing ceremony: (from left) Prof Long Quan, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Department, Prof Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering, Mr Wenbin Tang, Co-founder and CTO of Megvii, Prof Tony F Chan, President of HKUST, Mr Qi Yin, Co-founder and CEO of Megvii, Dr Sabrina Lin, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement, Dr Claudia Xu, Director of Technology Transfer Center and Mr Yinan Xie, GM of Branding and Marketing of Megvii
(From left, front row) IEDA’s Academic Advisory Board member – Prof David Simchi-Levi of Engineering Systems at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng, IEDA Head and Crown Worldwide Professor of Engineering Prof Guillermo Gallego, K.T. Li Chair Professor of Engineering at Stanford University Prof Ye Yinyu and IELM former Head Prof Tsung Fugee celebrate at the department’s inaugural ceremony with other faculty and staff members.
Prof Wei Shyy, President of HKUST (left), and Prof Pascale Fung, Founding Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research, unveil the plaque for CAiRE.
HKUST President Prof. Wei SHYY (second left) and Vice President of Country Garden & President of Guangdong Bright Dream Robotics Mr. SHEN Gang (second right), sign the donation agreement.
HKUST Council Chairman Mr. Andrew LIAO Cheung-Sing (middle) and Council Vice-chairman Prof. John CHAI Yat-Chiu witness Prof. Wei SHYY (right)’s installation as HKUST’s new president.
Prof. Tim Cheng Kwang-Ting (front left), HKUST Dean of Engineering, and Mr. Arlene Chen (front right), Xiao-i's VP and Head of Research Institute sign the agreement under the witness of Prof. Nancy Ip Yuk-Yu (back left), Vice-President for Research and Development of HKUST and Dr. Zhu Pinpin (back right), Xiao-i’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer.