Prof. Ricky Lee said the award is very meaningful to him because it recognizes his cumulative technical contributions to the electronics packaging community in the past two decades.
Representatives of participating companies and professional institutions in the aviation industry pose for a photo after souvenir presentation by Swire Professor of Aerospace Engineering Prof Xin Zhang (3rd from left, front row), Chair Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, also with Ms Candy Nip (6th from right, front row), Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport), Prof Tim Kwang Ting Cheng (5th from right, front row), Dean of Engineering, and Prof Christopher Chao (1st from left, back row), Head of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
The HKUST team, which included HKUST and University of Iowa students, were supervised by Prof Robin Ma (2nd from right, back row), Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, HKUST, and Dr Matias Perret (3rd from left, back row), Department of Mechanical Engineering, UIowa.
Prof David Lam and Prof Chung-nin Ko (in the middle left and right respectively), the four groups of students (from right to left: Group 2, Group 4, Group 1 and Group 3) and teaching and technical staff of the electric vehicle course
Four leading faculty members of the School of Engineering were recognized with prestigious named professorships at HKUST’s fourth inauguration ceremony for such honors today. They were among a group of 15 outstanding academics across the University to receive named professorships.
Cheong Ying Chan Professor of Engineering and Environment Prof Tianshou Zhao, Chair Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Director of HKUST Energy Institute