(From left) Dr. Jac Leung, Luk Wang-Lok, Yu Mukai, Huang Haolun, Lam Ka-Ming and Jiang Yicheng at the award presentation ceremony of the ASMPT Technology Award 2024 on June 21
(From left) Prof. Tsui Chi-Ying, Head of Division of Integrative Systems and Design (ISD), ISD students Will Liu Pak-Hin, Evan Ma Sze-Long, Benny Sze Chung-Lam, Alan Pang Yu-Yin and Alphor Cheung Ho-Hin, as well as a representative from ASMPT at the ceremony of the ASMPT Technology Award 2023 on July 7
Alumnus Prof. Yeung Sai-Kit is the first from HKUST to join the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Graphics, a top-ranked journal in the computer graphics field. His three-year term started in October 2021.
Prof. Tsui Chi-Ying, Head of HKUST Division of Integrative Systems and Design (third right), Dr. Luisa Mok Sze-Man, Lecturer of HKUST Division of Integrative Systems and Design (second left), Mr. Cyril Aubin, Managing Director of Hong Kong Tramways (third left), Mr. Nixon Cheung, Head of Commercial and Brand of Hong Kong Tramways (first left), and Year 2 students of Integrative Systems and Design Katie Chong (second right) and Jasmine Li (first right)
Mashiat Lamisa (third right) and her teammates Ilana Zimmerman (second right) and Dama Correch (third left) received the Empower Women Through Technology Prize at the cmd-f all-female* hackathon held at the University of British Columbia.