(Front row, from left) HKSI Chief Executive Dr. Trisha LEAHY, Mr. Adam Kwok Kai-fai, Executive Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties and Prof. ZHANG Xin, Chair Professor of Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of HKUST signs the agreement.
Three more School of Engineering faculty have been appointed to named professorships: (from left) Prof. Khaled Ben Letaief, Prof. Chan Man-Sun, and Prof. Li Zexiang.
(From left) Prof Kar Yan Tam, Dean of HKUST Business School; Prof Sabrina Lin, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement; Prof Wei Shyy, Acting President of HKUST; Mrs Annie Jacobs Kolb, daughter of Dean Jacobs; Prof Sally Blount, Dean of Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University; and Prof Steven DeKrey, Associate Dean of HKUST Business School, officiate at the unveiling ceremony of Donald P. Jacobs Classroom.