
Prof Garvin Percy DIAS, Associate Professor of Business Education, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management Recipient of the Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching for the Year 2016-17
Prof Garvin Percy DIAS, Associate Professor of Business Education, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management Recipient of the Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching for the Year 2016-17
With the words “world class” in mind, Judy is one the founding members of the Kellogg-HKUST EMBA Program, and leads the way for the program to stay on top of a prestigious ranking chart.
With the words “world class” in mind, Judy is one the founding members of the Kellogg-HKUST EMBA Program, and leads the way for the program to stay on top of a prestigious ranking chart. “I have been influenced by my father, who never complained about his work and appreciated every opportunity as a chance to learn and improve. I therefore have learnt to respect my work and contribute all I can to achieve the best outcome.”
Commitment to Professional Service
Commitment to Professional Service
Honor from the Marketing Science Institute
The Marketing Science Institute (MSI), which is the only research-based organization with an extensive network of marketing academics worldwide and marketers from 60+ leading global companies, has selected Prof Anirban Mukhopadhyay as an “MSI Scholar”.
Subjects Progress in Global Rankings
Subjects Progress in Global Rankings
A truly international team formed by five MBA students: Michael Pelosi (Canada), Zhang Jiaying (China), Aman Arora (India), Harsh Mody (India) and Sonia Im (South Korea), won the Client Prompt & Championship at the USC Marshall Global Consulting Challenge in the US.
A truly international team formed by five MBA students: Michael Pelosi (Canada), Zhang Jiaying (China), Aman Arora (India), Harsh Mody (India) and Sonia Im (South Korea), won the Client Prompt & Championship at the USC Marshall Global Consulting Challenge in the US.
IS Faculty Recognized as an Expert Instructor
IS Faculty Recognized as an Expert Instructor
Global MBA Challenge Case Competition
Global MBA Challenge Case Competition