
金融科技理学硕士课程启动礼由香港科技大学首席副校长倪明选教授(右五)、工商管理学院院长谭嘉因教授(右四)、工学院副院长(研究及研究生教务)苏孝宇教授(左二)及理学院副院长(招生)梁承裕教授(左一)主持。出席嘉宾包括课程主任蔡宁教授(右一)、科大工商管理学院副院长(研究)及课程联合主任许佳龙教授 (右二)及论坛嘉宾。
金融科技理学硕士课程启动礼由香港科技大学首席副校长倪明选教授(右五)、工商管理学院院长谭嘉因教授(右四)、工学院副院长(研究及研究生教务)苏孝宇教授(左二)及理学院副院长(招生)梁承裕教授(左一)主持。出席嘉宾包括课程主任蔡宁教授(右一)、科大工商管理学院副院长(研究)及课程联合主任许佳龙教授 (右二)及论坛嘉宾。
(左起) 灵实宁养院院长梁智达医生、科大健康、安全及环境处长关继祖教授、科大工学院副院长(研究及研究生教务)杨经伦教授及广州医学大学广州呼吸疾病研究所杨子峰副教授。
(左起) 灵实宁养院院长梁智达医生、科大健康、安全及环境处长关继祖教授、科大工学院副院长(研究及研究生教务)杨经伦教授及广州医学大学广州呼吸疾病研究所杨子峰副教授。
The team led by Chair Professor Hoi-Sing Kwok (front right) and Assistant Professor Abhishek Srivastava (front left) from the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering won the “Best Prototype in Innovation Zone” award from The Society for Information Display with the new display technology.
The team led by Chair Professor Hoi-Sing Kwok (front right) and Assistant Professor Abhishek Srivastava (front left) from the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering won the “Best Prototype in Innovation Zone” award from The Society for Information Display with the new display technology.
Mrs Carrie Lam (fifth left), The Chief Executive of HKSAR, officiates at the closing ceremony of Xiangshan Science Conference and the launching ceremony of HKSAIR. Other officiating guests are (from left): Mr Chen Lin, Director General of Youth Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Dr Sunny Chai, Chairman of HKSTP; Mr Nicholas Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology of HKSAR; Mr Chen Dong, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Gov
Mrs Carrie Lam (fifth left), The Chief Executive of HKSAR, officiates at the closing ceremony of Xiangshan Science Conference and the launching ceremony of HKSAIR. Other officiating guests are (from left): Mr Chen Lin, Director General of Youth Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Dr Sunny Chai, Chairman of HKSTP; Mr Nicholas Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology of HKSAR; Mr Chen Dong, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Prof Yang Qiang, Founding President of HKSAIR; Prof Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST; Dr Tan Tieniu, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Prof Li Deyi, President of the China Association for Artificial Intelligence; and Prof Gao Wen, Peking University.