Automation Technology

Witnessed by the Secretary for Housing, Ms. Winnie Ho (back row, center), the Acting Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Ms. Lillian Cheong (back row, left), and the Chairman of the Board of the HKCRC, Dr. Shin Cheul Kim (back row, right); the Associate Director of the HKCRC, Dr. Liang Haobo (front row, right), and the Permanent Secretary for Housing/Director of Housing, Miss Rosanna Law (front row, left), signed the Memorandum of Understanding.
Witnessed by the Secretary for Housing, Ms. Winnie Ho (back row, center), the Acting Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Ms. Lillian Cheong (back row, left), and the Chairman of the Board of the HKCRC, Dr. Shin Cheul Kim (back row, right); the Associate Director of the HKCRC, Dr. Liang Haobo (front row, right), and the Permanent Secretary for Housing/Director of Housing, Miss Rosanna Law (front row, left), signed the Memorandum of Understanding.
(From third left) Prof. Li Zexiang, Prof. Seo Jungwon, Prof. Michael Wang, Director of HKUST Robotics Institute, and (second right) Prof. Frank Park, Visiting Professor of HKUST Robotics Institute
(From third left) Prof. Li Zexiang, Prof. Seo Jungwon, Prof. Michael Wang, Director of HKUST Robotics Institute, and (second right) Prof. Frank Park, Visiting Professor of HKUST Robotics Institute