Alumni Kaleidoscope: Roger King - PhD(FINA)

Roger often refers to himself as one of the most senior graduates of HKUST, but for those who know him well, he is always young at heart, exemplifying the can-do spirit of HKUST. A successful entrepreneur and renowned "corporate doctor" himself, Roger is also Adjunct Professor of Finance as well as Senior Advisor and Founding Director of two research centers in the HKUST Business School: the Thompson Center for Business Case Studies and the Tanoto Center for Asian Family Business and Entrepreneurship Studies. He is an Honorary Court Member and served on the University Council for many years. Roger also received an Honorary Fellowship from HKUST in 2011.


To celebrate HKUST's 25th anniversary, Roger pledged a matching donation of HKD $2.5 million towards the University's campaign to raise HKD $25 million for the Alumni Endowment Fund (AEF) by 2017. To-date, this is the largest gift ever received from an individual alumnus since the establishment of AEF in 2012.


"I am proud to call myself one of HKUST's most senior graduates," says Roger. "The University has been my second home for the past 17 years and I owe a great deal to UST. I hope that my donation to this worthy cause will inspire younger graduates to also give back to our alma mater."

