Electronic and Computer Engineering

Prof. Wang Yiwen was invited to be a keynote speaker at the 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, which took place in Florida, US on July 15-19, 2024.
Prof. Wang Yiwen was invited to be a keynote speaker at the 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, which took place in Florida, US on July 15-19, 2024.
Prof. Shen Yajing (left) and co-first author Dr. Yang Xiong (right) with the magnetic actuation platform for microswimmer control in front.
Prof. Shen Yajing (left) and co-first author Dr. Yang Xiong (right) with the magnetic actuation platform for microswimmer control in front.
Photoluminescence of flexible full-color Fi-LEDs: I ♥ HKUST pattern (left) and “night scene” of Victoria Harbor showing color transition (right), built by mounting batches of fibers.
Photoluminescence of flexible full-color Fi-LEDs: I ♥ HKUST pattern (left) and “night scene” of Victoria Harbor showing color transition (right), built by mounting batches of fibers.
Assistant Professor Lin Yen-Hung of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering and the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies (right), Electronic and Computer Engineering PhD student Cao Xueli (center), and Senior Manager of the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies Dr. Fion Yeung (left)
Assistant Professor Lin Yen-Hung of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering and the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies (right), Electronic and Computer Engineering PhD student Cao Xueli (center), and Senior Manager of the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies Dr. Fion Yeung (left)
(Top row, from left) Prof. Dan Tsang, Prof. Ding Cunsheng, and Prof. Zhang Qian; (bottom row, from left) Prof. Khaled B. Letaief and Prof. Yang Hai
(Top row, from left) Prof. Dan Tsang, Prof. Ding Cunsheng, and Prof. Zhang Qian; (bottom row, from left) Prof. Khaled B. Letaief and Prof. Yang Hai
(From left) Dr. Jac Leung, Luk Wang-Lok, Yu Mukai, Huang Haolun, Lam Ka-Ming and Jiang Yicheng at the award presentation ceremony of the ASMPT Technology Award 2024 on June 21
(From left) Dr. Jac Leung, Luk Wang-Lok, Yu Mukai, Huang Haolun, Lam Ka-Ming and Jiang Yicheng at the award presentation ceremony of the ASMPT Technology Award 2024 on June 21
Prof. Patrick Yue with the trophy and certificate of the 2024 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits Test of Time Award.
Prof. Patrick Yue with the trophy and certificate of the 2024 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits Test of Time Award.
Prof. Shi Ling is recognized for his significant contributions to cyber-physical systems security and control.
Prof. Shi Ling is recognized for his significant contributions to cyber-physical systems security and control.
Two joint labs led by Prof. Kevin Chen (left) and Prof. Shao Minhua (right) received funding in the Research Grants Council’s co-funding mechanism on joint laboratories with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Two joint labs led by Prof. Kevin Chen (left) and Prof. Shao Minhua (right) received funding in the Research Grants Council’s co-funding mechanism on joint laboratories with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Two joint labs led by Prof. Kevin Chen (left) and Prof. Shao Minhua (right) received funding in the Research Grants Council’s co-funding mechanism on joint laboratories with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Two joint labs led by Prof. Kevin Chen (left) and Prof. Shao Minhua (right) received funding in the Research Grants Council’s co-funding mechanism on joint laboratories with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.