
金融科技理學碩士課程啟動禮由香港科技大學首席副校長倪明選教授(右五)、工商管理學院院長譚嘉因教授(右四)、工學院副院長(研究及研究生教務)蘇孝宇教授(左二)及理學院副院長(招生)梁承裕教授(左一)主持。出席嘉賓包括課程主任蔡寧教授(右一)、科大工商管理學院副院長(研究)及課程聯合主任許佳龍教授 (右二)及論壇嘉賓。
金融科技理學碩士課程啟動禮由香港科技大學首席副校長倪明選教授(右五)、工商管理學院院長譚嘉因教授(右四)、工學院副院長(研究及研究生教務)蘇孝宇教授(左二)及理學院副院長(招生)梁承裕教授(左一)主持。出席嘉賓包括課程主任蔡寧教授(右一)、科大工商管理學院副院長(研究)及課程聯合主任許佳龍教授 (右二)及論壇嘉賓。
Prof Ying Chau (middle), introduces the School of Engineering’s new undergraduate program in Bioengineering. Prof Terence Wong (left) is developing a novel microscope for determining within minutes whether all cancer cells are removed in a surgery, while Prof Angela Wu is designing microfluidic devices that can capture and manipulate cells for single-cell genomic analysis and other purposes.
Prof Ying Chau (middle), introduces the School of Engineering’s new undergraduate program in Bioengineering. Prof Terence Wong (left) is developing a novel microscope for determining within minutes whether all cancer cells are removed in a surgery, while Prof Angela Wu is designing microfluidic devices that can capture and manipulate cells for single-cell genomic analysis and other purposes.