World Class Tests Candidates Are Better at Arriving at Right Answers Than Explaining the Reasoning

World Class Tests in Mathematics and Problem Solving administered by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have found that Hong Kong students are better at getting the right answers than at explaining the reasoning process.This observation was made based on the results of 2,273 students who took part in the April 2010 World Class Tests for the 8-11 age group and the 12-14 age group.

These include 1,529 students from 124 primary schools and 744 students from 73 secondary schools. Among them, 1,504 of these students, or 66%, were boys, while 769, or 34%, were girls.

“Over the years, we have observed that Hong Kong students are in general well trained in doing examination papers, especially in answering multiple choice questions that do not require the candidate to explain his reasoning process. The results of the latest Tests further confirmed this observation,” said Prof Wong Man-Yu of the HKUST Mathematics Department.

Prof Edmund Chiang of the same department said, “While it is often sufficient for an examination candidate to be able to arrive at the correct answer, this is not good enough if the student wishes to explore the subject in greater depth. It is equally important for the student to understand the topic in a holistic manner and be able to explain clearly the thinking process behind. This is particularly important to a person’s lifelong development.”

The World Class Tests

Since the launch of the World Class Tests in 2001 by the British Government’s Department for Education and Skills for assessing and nurturing gifted youngsters, the Tests have become an international benchmark for Mathematics and Problem Solving. The questions in the tests are designed by professors of renowned universities in the UK, USA and Australia.

The Tests were first introduced in Hong Kong in 2004, and since then, about 32,000 students from about 400 primary and secondary schools have taken the Tests. In 2008 HKUST was commissioned to promote and administer the Tests in the Asian region.

World Class Tests are organized throughout the world in April and November each year, and the results announced today are of the April 2010 tests conducted at various school test sites in Hong Kong.

More information about the World Class Tests is available through the following link:

附 錄 1
Appendix 1

中 學 組 數 學 科 最 傑 出 表 現 學 校 獎
Most Outstanding Group Performance in Mathematics (Aged 12-14)
拔 萃 女 書 院 Diocesan Girls’ School
嘉 諾 撒 聖 瑪 利 書 院 St. Mary’s Canossian College
聖 士 提 反 書 院 St. Stephen’s College
中 學 組 解 難 分 析 科 最 傑 出 表 現 學 校 獎
Most Outstanding Group Performance in Problem Solving (Aged 12-14)
拔 萃 女 書 院 Diocesan Girls’ School
嘉 諾 撒 聖 瑪 利 書 院 St. Mary’s Canossian College
香 港 九 龍 塘 基 督 教 中 華 宣 道 會 陳 瑞 芝 紀 念 中 學 Christian Alliance S. C. Chan Memorial College
小 學 組 數 學 科 最 傑 出 表 現 學 校 獎
Most Outstanding Group Performance in Mathematics (Aged 8-11)
中 華 基 督 教 會 基 灣 小 學 ( 愛 蝶 灣 ) C.C.C. Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay)
香 港 培 正 小 學 Pui Ching Primary School
拔 萃 女 小 學 Diocesan Girls’ Junior School
小 學 組 解 難 分 析 科 最 傑 出 表 現 學 校 獎
Most Outstanding Group Performance in Problem Solving (Aged 8-11)
香 港 培 正 小 學 Pui Ching Primary School
華 德 學 校 上 午 校 Bishop Walsh Primary School (A.M.)
中 華 基 督 教 會 基 灣 小 學 ( 愛 蝶 灣 ) C.C.C. Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay)


附 錄 2
Appendix 2

12-14 y.o. 中 學 組 數 學 科 – 各 級 最 佳 表 現 獎
Most Outstanding Candidate in Mathematics (Aged 12-14)
  英 皇 佐 治 五 世 學 校 關 瑞 駿 KWAN Sui Chun Sampson Secondary 1 Level King George V School
  喇 沙 書 院 王 慶 誠 WONG Hing Shing Secondary 2 Level La Salle College
  培 僑 書 院 賀 逸 峰 HE Yi Feng Edison Secondary 3 Level Pui Kiu College
  越 級 挑 戰 數 學 科 最 佳 表 現 獎
Most Outstanding Challenger in Mathematics (Aged 12-14)
  馬 頭 涌 官 立 小 學 洪 銳 志 HUNG Yui Chi P.5A Ma Tau Chung Government Primary School
12-14 y.o. 中 學 組 解 難 分 析 科 – 各級最佳表現獎
Most Outstanding Candidate in Problem Solving (Aged 12-14)
  香 港 浸 會 大 學 附 屬 學 校 王 錦 輝 中 小 學 鄭 晨 CHENG Sen Secondary 1 Level Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School
  喇 沙 書 院 王 慶 誠 WONG Hing Shing Secondary 2 Level La Salle College
  張 祝 珊 英 文 中 學 陳 惠 翔 CHAN Wai Cheung Secondary 3 Level Cheung Chuk Shan College
  越 級 挑 戰 解 難 分 析 科 最 佳 表 現 獎
Most Outstanding Challenger in Problem Solving (Aged 12-14)
  合 一 堂 學 校 黎 新 禹 LAI San Yu 6B Hop Yat Church School
8-11 y.o. 小 學 組 數 學 科 – 各 級 最 佳 表 現 獎
Most Outstanding Candidate in Mathematics (Aged 8-11)
  喇 沙 小 學 李 雲 LEE Wan Primary 2 Level La Salle Primary School
  聖 公 會 仁 立 紀 念 小 學 李 家 榮 LI Ka Wing Primary 3 Level S.K.H. Yan Laap Memorial Primary School
  喇 沙 小 學 梅 榷 之 MAI Kok Chi Curtis Primary 4 Level La Salle Primary School
  獻 主 會 聖 馬 善 樂 小 學 林 瑋 聰 LAM Wai Chung Primary 5 Level St. Eugene de Mazenod Oblate Primary School
  拔 萃 男 書 院 附 屬 小 學 盧 匡 泓 LO Hong Wang Ivan Primary 6 Level Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division
8-11 y.o. 小 學 組 解 難 分 析 科 – 各 級 最 佳 表 現 獎
Most Outstanding Candidate in Problem Solving (Aged 8-11)
  拔 萃 男 書 院 附 屬 小 學 莊 思 博 JON Sze Pok Primary 3 Level Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division
  喇 沙 小 學 梅 榷 之 MAI Kok Chi Curtis Primary 4 Level La Salle Primary School
  獻 主 會 聖 馬 善 樂 小 學 林 瑋 聰 LAM Wai Chung Primary 5 Level St. Eugene de Mazenod Oblate Primary School
  北 角 衛 理 小 學 ( 下 午 ) 鄭 百 喬 CHENG Pak Kiu Primary 6 Level North Point Methodist Primary School (P.M.)
  小 學 組 最 年 輕 雙 優 生
Youngest Outstanding Candidate (Aged 8-11 Test)
  浸 信 會 沙 田 圍 呂 明 才 小 學 招 朗 軒 CHIU Long Hin Vincent Primary 4 Level Baptist (Sha Tin Wai) Lui Ming Choi Primary School
  中 學 組 最 年 輕 雙 優 生
Youngest Outstanding Candidate (Aged 12-14 Test)
  拔 萃 男 書 院 附 屬 小 學 湯 顥 泓 TONG Ho Wang Mervyn Primary 4 Level

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ross Lai
Tel: 2358 6306 / 9103 2928

Donna Wong
Tel: 2358 6317

The high-flying students with their parents and teachers, as well as HKUST professors and students
The high-flying students with their parents and teachers, as well as HKUST professors and students
The youngest challengers – Vincent Chiu Long-Hin and Mervyn Tong Ho-Wang, who achieved double distinction in the 8-11 and 12-14 age group tests respectively. They were aged 8 and 9 respectively at the time they took the test.
The youngest challengers – Vincent Chiu Long-Hin and Mervyn Tong Ho-Wang, who achieved double distinction in the 8-11 and 12-14 age group tests respectively. They were aged 8 and 9 respectively at the time they took the test.

About The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) ( is a world-class research university that focuses on science, technology and business as well as humanities and social science.  HKUST offers an international campus, and a holistic and interdisciplinary pedagogy to nurture well-rounded graduates with global vision, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking.  HKUST attained the highest proportion of internationally excellent research work in the Research Assessment Exercise 2014 of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee, and is ranked as the world’s best young university in Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings 2019.  Its graduates were ranked 16th worldwide and top in Greater China in Global University Employability Survey 2018.

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