Robots Command a Bigger Presence at HKUST

Robots are commanding a bigger and bigger presence at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), as evident from the Program Parade of the School of Engineering held on campus today.

After the opening speeches by President Tony F Chan and Dean of Engineering Prof Khaled Ben Letaief, a robot took over the lectern and gave a 11-minute presentation covering the latest developments of the Engineering School and the special programs designed to celebrate HKUST's 20th Anniversary.

Prof Ben Letaief also announced that HKUST's Robotics Team has grown 75% in terms of membership, and has been divided into four sub-teams, each taking part in one of four major competitions - the "Robocon Hong Kong Contest", "Remotely Operated Vehicles Competition" featuring underwater robots; "Smart Car Competition" and "NAO Robocup".

Prof Ben Letaief added that just last weekend, the ROV team came first in the Hong Kong Underwater Robot Challenge. This group of HKUST students will represent the Hong Kong and Macau Region to take part in the ROV international competition at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, USA in mid-June this year.

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ross Lai
Tel: 2358 6306 / 9103 2928


Kit Yip
Tel: 2358 6313

 Dean of Engineering Prof Khaled Ben Letaieff welcomes the audience.
Dean of Engineering Prof Khaled Ben Letaieff welcomes the audience.
 Members of the HKUST Robotics Team with their professors.
Members of the HKUST Robotics Team with their professors.
 A robot addresses the audience at the HKUST Atrium.
A robot addresses the audience at the HKUST Atrium.

About The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) ( is a world-class research university that focuses on science, technology and business as well as humanities and social science.  HKUST offers an international campus, and a holistic and interdisciplinary pedagogy to nurture well-rounded graduates with global vision, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking.  HKUST attained the highest proportion of internationally excellent research work in the Research Assessment Exercise 2014 of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee, and is ranked as the world’s best young university in Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings 2019.  Its graduates were ranked 16th worldwide and top in Greater China in Global University Employability Survey 2018.

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