IPO's 2018 Year in Review!

Time for Year in Review!
It's almost the end of 2018. Time for IPO's 2018 Year in Review! Starting from tomorrow, we'll publish one post a day on our website, Facebook & Instagram. Stay tuned! 
W: www.ipo.ust.hk       FB: ipo.hkust      IG: hkust.ipo

IPO is NEW on Instagram!
We are officially on Instagram since July 2018.
New Platform, New Bonding! We share the latest news and events, fun IPO moments, school campus reminder, etc. This year, we organised IPO IG Photo Contest and IPO Online Quiz Challege and received many entries. Thank you for your support!  Stay tuned for more exciting news and events!  (@hkust.ipo)

T&M-DDP's 15th Anniversary Dinner
It comes to the 15th anniversary of Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management (T&M-DDP)! To celebrate this huge milestone, T&M-DDP invited industry partners, faculty, staff, alumni and current students to join the great gala dinner on 9 November 2018.

MPhil/PhD in AES Program Joins ENVR Fmaily
The MPhil/PhD in Atmospheric Environmental Science program (AES) was transferred to and offered by ENVR with effect from 1 September 2018. With the supervision by a strong air quality faculty team in ENVR, AES’ research concentrations currently include: aerosol physics and chemistry,  air quality modeling and data analysis, atmospheric chemistry, environmental sensing and measurement technology,  global and regional climate modeling,  health effects of air pollutants.
To know more: goo.gl/2Shxzy 

RMBI's 1st Alumni Reunion
The very first Alumni Reunion of Risk Management and Business Intelligence Program (RMBI) was held on 3 July 2018. We are delighted to hold the first RMBI reunion to gather RMBI alumni back together to enjoy a cozy evening with faculty members and current students. Over 60 alumni, faculty and current students joined the evening.

New Master Program in Public Policy (MPP)
The Division of Public Policy (PPOL) has launched a new two-year full-time Master program in Public Policy (MPP) in September 2018 that offers not just solid knowledge on policy analysis using data analytics, but also leadership and management skills through internships and real-life practices in government agencies, non-profit organizations and private sector entities.  The program also includes a client-based capstone project, where students will work in teams to find solutions for real-life challenges facing public and private organizations.
To know more: goo.gl/SAFphA

EVMT's Alumni Homecoming Day
EVMT Alumni Homecoming Day was held on 3 March 2018 to bring Environmental Management & Technology Program (EVMT) graduates back together to cultivate, foster, maintain and support closer relationship between alumni, current students and faculty members. It has been held for 5 years since the very first batch of graduates graduated in 2013. Over 55 alumni, accounted for 35% of total graduates, joined the event.
To know more: goo.gl/9RQ6Lt

IPP Reveals Report on I&T Development of Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area
With China’s high recognition on Hong Kong and Macau’s active participations in China’s growth in the 40 years since economic reforms implementation, the Institute for Public Policy (IPP) launched its first lecture of the seminar series with the theme titled "China’s development of Science, Technology and Innovations through the 40 years of reform and opening and beyond" on 19 November 2018.
To know more: goo.gl/jAxuu5


Co-organized Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CARe2018) Hong Kong Conference

Institute for the Environment (IENV), Division of Environment (ENVR), Energy Institute (EI), GREAT Smart Cities Center and IPP co-organized the Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CARe2018) Hong Kong Conference from 27-28 October 2018. CARe2018 brought together a wide range of experts and stakeholders from across the globe, across industry and business sectors, as well as from local and regional authorities to learn and examine what it would take to make cities and regions much more climate resilient. The conference showcased policies and practices that promote infrastructure investments that would bring about greater resilience that strengthens cities and regions; as well as good practices for public sector officers and communities to learn and reorganize to face climate change challenges.
To know more: http://care2018.ust.hk/ 

IIM's First Graduate!
Congratulations to Yash, our first IIM graduate! Yash is majoring in Environmental Geoscience. Individualized Interdisciplinary Major (IIM)is the first one of its kind in Greater China. Students can create their own majors, courses can be chosen across institutes, even countries! If you are interested, check out (more in) our website! 

We Signed a Framework Agreement to set up a Joint-U Laboratory
HKUST signed a framework agreement with Jinan University, University of Macau and Guangdong Provincial Academy of Environmental Science on 7 November 2018, to foster environmental research through the setting up of a joint laboratory. This collaboration will facilitate data sharing among the cities.

IPP Seminar Series on China’s development of Science, Technology and Innovations through the 40 years of reform and opening and beyond
With China’s high recognition on Hong Kong and Macau’s active participations in China’s growth in the 40 years since economic reforms implementation, the Institute for Public Policy (IPP) launched its first lecture of the seminar series with the theme titled "China’s development of Science, Technology and Innovations through the 40 years of reform and opening and beyond" on 19 November 2018.
To know more: https://goo.gl/TU19X9

Our New Branding Theme…
With IPO’s new branding theme “Leading Without Boundaries” being launched in Fall Term 2018, we were excited to share our new branding videos and brochures, oraganise an online photo contest to shout out for our new theme!
To know more: https://goo.gl/sdUvWu

About The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) (www.ust.hk) is a world-class research university that focuses on science, technology and business as well as humanities and social science.  HKUST offers an international campus, and a holistic and interdisciplinary pedagogy to nurture well-rounded graduates with global vision, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking.  HKUST attained the highest proportion of internationally excellent research work in the Research Assessment Exercise 2014 of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee, and is ranked as the world’s best young university in Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings 2019.  Its graduates were ranked 16th worldwide and top in Greater China in Global University Employability Survey 2018.

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