HKUST’s First PhD Research Excellence Award Recognizes Students’ Outstanding Research Achievements in Engineering

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) held its first presentation of the School of Engineering PhD Research Excellence Award today to recognize the outstanding research achievements of its engineering PhD students and recent graduates. The award is granted to those who have made significant and influential contributions to knowledge in the discipline during their PhD studies at HKUST.

The three award recipients are Dr Weiping Wang from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Dr Huanfeng Duan from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Dr Zhang Yu from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The Honorable Mention went to Dr Yinshi Li at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. All of them are 2011 PhD graduates.

“Over the past years, the School of Engineering has established a worldwide reputation for its outstanding postgraduate education. We are extremely proud of the achievements of our PhD and MPhil graduates who are now working all over the world and making impacts on a global scale. With the establishment of the PhD Research Excellence Award, we wish to not only recognize our student cutting-edge innovation but also and more importantly show our appreciation of our student's exceptional research achievements and excellence,” Dean of Engineering Prof Khaled Ben Letaief said.

Prof Ajay Joneja, Chair of the Engineering Research Committee which assessed the award candidates, said, “HKUST has a strong tradition of excellence in engineering research. It really was difficult for the Committee to select such a small set of winners from a much larger number of very highly accomplished PhD students/graduates. We are very proud of the achievements of all the contestants, for their numerous innovative contributions in areas that are relevant in shaping the society of the future. Through this award, we not only take the opportunity to celebrate the success of the winners, but also hope to promote this spirit of innovative research amongst all our students.”

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