科大與Minerva Project合作 為學生提供更豐富的學習體驗
香港科技大學(科大)與Minerva Project (Minerva)今日宣佈,將合作推出嶄新科大-Minerva學人計劃,以科技及創新課程豐富科大學生的學習體驗,亦讓Minerva的學生得以參與科大的學習與研究。
自2018年秋季學期起,合資格及被錄取的科大生將可於其學位課程的首兩年,攻讀科大課程之餘,同時選修四個Minerva基礎課程。而於Minerva Schools at KGI修讀最後第四年課程的學生,亦可選擇部分時間到科大上課,於科大前沿的實驗室中,與科大教授一同參與並親身體驗研究工作,但學員須同時完成其Minerva畢業年的課程以及相關專題項目(Capstone work)。
Minerva教學法中的重要一環為主動學習平台(Active Learning Forum),此創新技術平台提供實時的小型互動研討會。而Minerva的四個基礎課程,則集中訓練學生不同的能力,包括批判力、創意思維,溝通力與互動技巧,這些訓練旨在增強同學於社會上成功所需要的能力。透過獨特的教學模式: 即結合Minerva的基礎課程,以及科大一直提倡的主動學習教學方法,讓同學的競爭力得以提升。
Minerva 創辦人及行政總裁賓•尼爾森表示:「Minerva與科大的合作,為我們達成『為世界培育批判智慧』這使命,邁出令人振奮的一步。獲得科大這領先國際的學府採納我們的主動學習教學法、跨學科而有組織的課程設計,以及卓越的課堂研討技術,令教育的成效不再限於Minerva Schools at KGI的同學。而令我感到特別自豪的是,我們的第一個合作夥伴是香港科技大學,它不僅是亞洲科技領域的翹楚,更是一所領先國際的學府。」
有關Minerva Project (只有英文)
Minerva is a leading educational innovator and global provider of top-tier higher educational offerings, which unify rigorous active learning methodology with advanced information technology. Its stated mission, to nurture critical wisdom for the sake of the world, guides a student-centric philosophy and an intentional approach to design, development, and implementation of all Minerva offerings. Minerva students are taught to devise innovative solutions to complex problems, use critical and analytical thinking to make informed decisions, work collaboratively, communicate effectively, and to be engaged, responsible, and ethical global citizens. The Minerva Schools at KGI were established in 2013 by KGI – Keck Graduate Institute – a WASC (WASC Senior College and University Commission) accredited institution – in alliance with Minerva Project. www.minervaproject.com
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About The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) (www.ust.hk) is a world-class research university that focuses on science, technology and business as well as humanities and social science. HKUST offers an international campus, and a holistic and interdisciplinary pedagogy to nurture well-rounded graduates with global vision, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking. HKUST attained the highest proportion of internationally excellent research work in the Research Assessment Exercise 2014 of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee, and is ranked as the world’s best young university in Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings 2019. Its graduates were ranked 16th worldwide and top in Greater China in Global University Employability Survey 2018.