「科大跨學科。發掘生活MORE」攝影比賽 “Discover Without Boundaries” Photo Contest
香港科技大學跨學科課程事務處(IPO) 透過各跨學科課程推動同學多角度思考及提升他們的解難能力,擴闊學習領域。IPO舉辦是次攝影比賽希望鼓勵中學同學多留意生活中的人與事物,從各主題中了解IPO課程特點,齊齊”Discover Without Boundaries”!
香港科技大學跨學科課程事務處 (IPO)
由2019年10月25日開始連續3個星期五,中午12:00於IPO Instagram公佈不同主題。參賽者需要就各回合主題,發掘生活中有關事物,拍攝照片作紀錄。
i. 參賽者先追蹤IPO Instagram帳戶 (@hkust.ipo)
ii. 並於IPO Instagram的帖子留言指定攝影主題,及標註一位朋友
iii. 以 Instagram Direct,把相片原檔連不多於五十字的文字描述、參加回合主題及參賽者姓名傳送至IPO帳戶 (@hkust.ipo)
2019年12月1日 23:59
40% 切合比賽回合的主題內容
30% 攝影技巧及構圖
30% 創意及獨特性
參與所有三個回合而被抽中的六位幸運兒可獲得價值港幣一百元之Pacific Coffee禮品卡。
- 是次活動歡迎2019-2020年度香港全日制中學生參加。
- 參加者的Instagram 帳戶私隱設定不限,公開或私人均可。
- 主辦單位將於比賽期內以Instagram發出確認訊息通知成功遞交作品的參賽者。
- 每位參賽者的提交作品次數不設上限。
- 每位參賽者於每回合最多只能獲取一份獎項。
- 參賽作品的拍攝器材不設限制 (手機、數碼相機、航拍機等均可) 。
- 參賽作品的構圖、比例及顏色運用不設限制。
- 參賽者可進行照片編輯及加設濾鏡效果等後期修飾。
- 參賽者可以提交曾公開發表的照片為參賽作品。
- 參賽作品必須為參賽者的個人原創作品。參賽者必須為照片之版權持有人,並確保擁有照片人物之有關肖像權。
- 參賽作品內容如觸犯法例,參賽者須自負權責,所有責任與主辦單位無關。
- 比賽結果將於2019年11月27日前透過跨學科課程事務處之Instagram、 Facebook及網頁公佈。主辦單位會以Instagram 訊息通知得獎者有關得獎安排。
- 主辦單位有權保留所有遞交作品於不同媒體作日後宣傳之用。
- 得獎者須親身到香港科技大學領獎,並出示2019-2020年度有效之中學學生證及其Instagram帳戶。
- 香港科技大學跨學科課程事務處保留所有最終決策權利。
- 如有任何查詢,請電郵至 contactipo@ust.hk。
HKUST Interdisciplinary Programs Office (IPO) encourages students to break through traditional boundaries to think from multiple perspectives and enhance problem-solving skills through interdisciplinary programs. By organizing this photo contest, we urge students to explore details around them and get to know the features of IPO programs. Let’s discover without boundaries!
Interdisciplinary Programs Office (IPO), HKUST
Full-time secondary students studying in Hong Kong in 2019-2020
IPO will announce weekly theme on IPO Instagram at noon every Friday, starting from 25 Oct for three consecutive weeks. Students should submit photo entries related to the weekly theme as follows.
i. FOLLOW IPO’s Instagram account (@hkust.ipo)
ii. PASTE the theme & TAG a friend in the comment of the weekly post
iii. DIRECT us the original photo with caption (not more than 50 words), your name
and theme of the week
1 December,2019 (23:59)
40% Relevancy to Weekly Theme
30% Skills & Composition
30% Creativity & Uniqueness
Weekly Theme Award:
Top 3 winners in each theme will each be awarded with a Broadway Cinema gift card of HK $300.
Participation Award:
6 contestants who submit entries for all three themes will be selected by lot and each awarded with a Pacific Coffee gift card of HK$100.
RULES & REGULATIONS: (Only be shown on website)
- The contest is open to all full-time secondary students studying in Hong Kong in 2019-2020.
- Instagram account of entrant can be public or private.
- IPO will send a confirmation message to successful entrants via Instagram.
- There is no limitation on the number of entries submitted.
- Each entrant can only receive one prize at most for each theme.
- There is no restriction on shooting devices. (Smartphone, DSLR, drone and etc are accepted)
- There is no restriction on pictures’ composition, aspect ratio and choice of colour/B&W photography.
- Photo editing and filter application are allowed.
- Pictures previously published are also eligible.
- Submitted pictures must be original. The entrant must be the copyright holder to submit the picture(s). Entrant should be responsible for the portrait rights of his/her entry.
- Entrant represents and warrants that submission of the pictures does not breach any law. He/she will hold the IPO harmless of any claims from third parties related hereto.
- Result will be announced via IPO’s Instagram, Facebook and website on or before 27 November, 2019. Winners will be contacted through Instagram direct message.
- Entrant grants IPO the right to use picture(s) for future promotional use in all media.
- Winners will receive prize(s) at HKUST campus. IPO reserves the right to request winners to show his/her valid student ID card and Instagram account.
- In case of any disputes, IPO’s decision shall be final.
- For any enquiries, please email contactipo@ust.hk.
About The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) (www.ust.hk) is a world-class research university that focuses on science, technology and business as well as humanities and social science. HKUST offers an international campus, and a holistic and interdisciplinary pedagogy to nurture well-rounded graduates with global vision, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking. HKUST attained the highest proportion of internationally excellent research work in the Research Assessment Exercise 2014 of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee, and is ranked as the world’s best young university in Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings 2019. Its graduates were ranked 16th worldwide and top in Greater China in Global University Employability Survey 2018.