Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary and Renews Commitment to Science and Technology

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) hosted its 20th Anniversary Grand Celebration today, with HKSAR Chief Executive Mr Donald Tsang and the Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Mr Han Qide officiating with a distinguished array of celebrities.

Among the officiating guests were Mr Peng Qinghua, Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, Mr Lu Xinhua, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC in the HKSAR, and Ms Yin Xiaojing, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR. A number of senior Government officials, including Secretary for Education Mr Michael Suen and Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Prof KC Chan, also attended.

The officiating party also included Chairman of the HKUST Council Dr Marvin Cheung, President of HKUST Prof Tony F Chan, Pro-Chancellor of HKUST and Honorary Chairman of the HKUST Court Dr the Honorable Sir Sze Yuen Chung, Honorary Chairman of the HKUST Court Dr Vincent Lo, Chairman of the HKUST Court Dr John CC Chan, and President Emeritus of HKUST Prof Chia-Wei Woo, and President Emeritus of HKUST Prof Paul Chu.

Prof Han Qide said, "After 20 years of pursuit of innovation and creativity, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has mapped out a unique path to deliver education with its own characteristics. It has become a cradle for nurturing talent in science and technology, in management, and in innovation - for Hong Kong and for the nation. The University has made significant contributions to Hong Kong and the nation in driving the development of science and technology forward, and in serving as a model in higher education."

He continued, "With its status in higher education today, HKUST will play a distinct role in the development of science and technology, and of talent in Hong Kong and the nation."

HKSAR Chief Executive Mr Donald Tsang noted, "In just two decades the university has firmly established itself as a world-class seat of learning and the miracle continues. This university has built its reputation on the back of a strong research culture. I am also pleased that the private sector is making increasing investments in this area."

Mr Tsang added, "Another feature of HKUST is its global outlook. An international mix of faculty, research collaboration networks and exchange opportunities have become hallmarks of the school. These strong fundamentals are crucial to our goal of establishing Hong Kong as a regional centre of education. They also help to develop and promote our high-quality education services. These will give strong impetus to our long quest to transform Hong Kong into a knowledge-based society. HKUST has an important role to play in this."

HKUST Council Chairman Dr Marvin Cheung remarked, "Despite the ethnic diversity of our faculty and students population, there is a homogeneity of spirit and a strong sense of community in our University community. I congratulate our team of leaders for their vision and determination to take the University to its next level of excellence."

HKUST President Tony F Chan said, "20 years ago, our government saw the need for a university of science and technology to move Hong Kong up the economic ladder and promote innovation. HKUST stands ready to fulfill its duty to our community. Today, we are proud that we have achieved international recognition. We see ourselves as the key to the city's future and its economic diversity. HKUST is today launching a year-long campaign, called "HKUST President's 20th Anniversary Challenge" to raise $10 million each for 10 Endowed Chairs and to be matched dollar for dollar by the University."

To mark HKUST's contribution, a minor planet No.202784 was named "Gangkeda" (the Chinese abbreviation of HKUST) by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing, China. The formal announcement was made by Mr Chunlin Lu, the Observatory's Party Secretary and Deputy Director, who also presented a plague and a certificate to HKUST, represented by Dr the Hon Marvin Cheung, President Tony F Chan, as well as Mr Chan Yik Hei and Mr Lam Chun Hei - two HKUST students who already had an asteroid each named after them.

To signify the merging of science and technology with traditional culture, a robot performed a lion dance on stage. Also, 20 students from different countries each wearing their national costume welcomed the celebrated guests, signifying the international nature of HKUST.

The Celebration was attended by some 500 guests, including presidents of world-renowned universities, consuls-general in Hong Kong, donors, HKUST's collaborative partners, as well as HKUST faculty, staff, students and alumni.

The speech of Prof Han Qide can be downloaded here.

The speech of President Tony F Chan can be downloaded here.

Related link: http://video.ust.hk/Watch.aspx?Video=01132314C8264834

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ross Lai
Tel: 2358 6306 / 9103 2928
Email: rosslai@ust.hk


Kit Yip
Tel: 2358 6313
Email: kityip@ust.hk

 Mr Donald Tsang congratulates HKUST on its 20th Anniversary
Mr Donald Tsang congratulates HKUST on its 20th Anniversary
 Prof Han Qide expresses his best wishes to the University
Prof Han Qide expresses his best wishes to the University
 President Tony F Chan announces the HKUST President's 20th Anniversary Challenge
President Tony F Chan announces the HKUST President's 20th Anniversary Challenge
 Toasting to HKUST
Toasting to HKUST
 Chinese Academy of Sciences Party Secretary and Deputy Director Mr Lu Chunlin (middle) announces the naming of the HKUST Star
Chinese Academy of Sciences Party Secretary and Deputy Director Mr Lu Chunlin (middle) announces the naming of the HKUST Star
 The officiating party
The officiating party
 President Chan (4th from right) with HKUST international students dressed in their national costumes
President Chan (4th from right) with HKUST international students dressed in their national costumes

About The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) (www.ust.hk) is a world-class research university that focuses on science, technology and business as well as humanities and social science.  HKUST offers an international campus, and a holistic and interdisciplinary pedagogy to nurture well-rounded graduates with global vision, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking.  HKUST attained the highest proportion of internationally excellent research work in the Research Assessment Exercise 2014 of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee, and is ranked as the world’s best young university in Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings 2019.  Its graduates were ranked 16th worldwide and top in Greater China in Global University Employability Survey 2018.

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