柔性全彩纖維LED的光致發光展示:I ♥ HKUST圖案(左)和展現漸變顏色的維多利亞港「夜景」(右)。
柔性全彩纖維LED的光致發光展示:I ♥ HKUST圖案(左)和展現漸變顏色的維多利亞港「夜景」(右)。
Prof. Kwok Hoi-Sing, who has spent over a quarter of a century researching on display technology, said he felt tremendously honored to receive the prestigious Jan Rajchman Prize.
Prof. Kwok Hoi-Sing, who has spent over a quarter of a century researching on display technology, said he felt tremendously honored to receive the prestigious Jan Rajchman Prize.