HKUST Sign MoU with ZTE to Strengthen Collaboration in Telecom and AI Computing
20 Feb 2025, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and ZTE Corporation (ZTE) signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen collaboration in telecommunication, AI and integrated information.
Combining HKUST’s research competence and ZTE’s product commercialization experience in telecom and AI industry, the collaboration will aim to strengthen technology cooperation in AI computing, Wireless, Optoelectronics, Advanced Semiconductors and IoT.
The MoU was signed by Prof. Tim Cheng, Vice-President for Research and Development of HKUST, and Mr. Wang Xiyu, Chief Technology Officer of ZTE. Mr. Xiang Jiying, Chief Scientist of ZTE , other HKUST faculty members, ZTE management and representatives also attended the signing ceremony held in the HKUST campus.
About ZTE Corporation
As a global leader in telecommunications and information technology, ZTE provides innovative technologies and integrated solutions for global operators, government and enterprise, and consumers. Founded in 1985 and listed on both the Hong Kong and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, the company has been committed to providing innovative technologies and integrated solutions for global operators, government and enterprise, and consumers from over 160 countries across the globe. Serving over 1/4 of the global population, the company is dedicated to enabling connectivity and trust everywhere for a better future.
香港科技大學(科大)( 是國際知名的大學,致力推動創新教學、卓越研究及具影響力的知識轉移。科大著重為學生提供全面及跨學科的教學,於《泰晤士高等教育全球年輕大學排名榜2024》中排行第三,在《泰晤士高等教育大學影響力排名2024》中全球排第19、全港第一。另有12個科目躋身《2024年QS 世界大學學科排名》全球50強,其中「數據科學及人工智能」學科更位列全球第10,為本地大學之首。此外,科大在全球大學就業能力排名中,一直位處全球首30名以內,反映畢業生極具競爭力。在研究及創業創新方面,逾八成的科大研究,於香港的大學教育資助委員會最新的「2020研究評審工作」被評為「國際卓越」或「世界領先」水平。直至2024年11月,科大成員共創立了逾1,800間至今活躍的初創公司,當中包括10間獨角獸企業和16間成功退場的公司(上市集資或被併購)。