HKUST Technology Wins Tops Prizes in the Sixth Bank of China (HK) FITMI “Technology Start-Up” Award, the First Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Competition Final and the Cross-strait, HK and Macao Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (English Version Only)

Incus Company Limited, a HKUST startup founded by Prof. Richard So (Department of Industrial Engineering & Logistics Management) and his student Calvin Zhang (Department of Industrial Engineering & Logistics Management/Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship Program), has recently won Top Prizes in the following competitions in recognition of their innovative and cutting-edge technology which effectively separates undesired background noise from target signal such as speech for hearing devices. (International Patent Application No: PCT/CN2016/095283).

Incus Company Limited, a HKUST startup founded by Prof. Richard So (Department of Industrial Engineering & Logistics Management) and his student Calvin Zhang (Department of Industrial Engineering & Logistics Management/Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship Program), has recently won Top Prizes in the following competitions in recognition of their innovative and cutting-edge technology which effectively separates undesired background noise from target signal such as speech for hearing devices. (International Patent Application No: PCT/CN2016/095283).


1) The Sixth Bank of China (HK) FITMI “Technology Start-Up” Award

The Compnay has won Silver Prize in the Sixth Bank of China (HK) FITMI “Technology Start-Up” Award which was set up by the Bank of China (HK) and Hong Kong Federation of Innovative Technologies and Manufacturing Industries (FITMI) to recognize the achievement of Hong Kong technology start-ups, especially in academia, research institutions, and start-up companies.


2) The First Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Competition Final

The patented audio technology, which revolutionizes hearing aids by delivering clearer sound while reducing the price by one-tenth, has won the First Prize in the First Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Competition Final. The innovative technology, social media marketing strategy, close cooperation with elderly homes and high degree of adherence to local authorities' health policies are highly recognized by the judges.


3) The Cross-strait, HK and Macao Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (海峽兩岸及港澳地區創新創業大賽)

IELM/TLE Graduate Calvin Zhang (Supervisor: Prof. Richard So) has won the First Prize in Innovation in the Cross-strait, HK and Macao Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (海峽兩岸及港澳地區創新創業大賽) in Guangzhou. The Competition was organized by Jinan University with the objective to provide a platform for students in tertiary institutions to exchange their ideas on innovation and entrepreneurship.

1) The Sixth Bank of China (HK) FITMI “Technology Start-Up” Award
1) The Sixth Bank of China (HK) FITMI “Technology Start-Up” Award
1) The Sixth Bank of China (HK) FITMI “Technology Start-Up” Award
1) The Sixth Bank of China (HK) FITMI “Technology Start-Up” Award
2) The First Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Competition Final
2) The First Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Competition Final
3) The Cross-strait, HK and Macao Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (海峽兩岸及港澳地區創新創業大賽)
3) The Cross-strait, HK and Macao Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (海峽兩岸及港澳地區創新創業大賽)

About The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) ( is a world-class research university that focuses on science, technology and business as well as humanities and social science.  HKUST offers an international campus, and a holistic and interdisciplinary pedagogy to nurture well-rounded graduates with global vision, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking.  HKUST attained the highest proportion of internationally excellent research work in the Research Assessment Exercise 2014 of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee, and is ranked as the world’s best young university in Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings 2019.  Its graduates were ranked 16th worldwide and top in Greater China in Global University Employability Survey 2018.
